Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Need a Few Ideas to Help Organize your Garage?

Ideas For Organizing Your Garage

Believe it or not, your garage is not only made to house your automobiles.  In fact, you can use it for storage or even a work area for small household projects.  Whether you decide to keep tools, lawn care equipment or other accessories in the garage, organization is a must.

Maximize Your Workspace

If you use the garage for small woodworking projects or other chores that require a sturdy surface, consider installing a fold-down table on the interior wall.  When not in use, you can simply lift the table back up and into place.  This is a terrific idea for those who have a small garage or simply enjoy making the most out of their workspace.

Unclutter Your Clutter

If you have any items that are broken, outdated or simply unusable for any reason, toss them out.  One of the first steps to organizing your garage is to get rid of the things that you no longer need or can use.

If you have tools that are rarely used, put them away so that you can place the most commonly used tools in the forefront.  As a general rule, your garage will be more efficient if the things that you need on a regular basis are easily accessible.

Categorize & Sort

When it comes to organizing any part of your home, including the garage, properly categorizing your items is essential.  This will help you to locate everything quickly and efficiently.  You can use storage bins, shelves and even clear drawers for sorting your items.

Storage Solutions For Your Small Items

If you typically use your garage to store hardware, such as nails, bolts and other small items, try organizing them in a clear glass jar instead of leaving them lying loosely in a toolbox.  Not only is the proper storage safer, but it also allows you to easily view and retrieve the items as needed.  Used baby food jars are ideal for this purpose. 

Wall Mounting Is A Must

If you or your children own a bicycle or you need to find the perfect spot for your ladder or large tools, consider mounting them on the wall using the proper hook or other support.  It's important to note that larger items should be within reach to avoid injury while trying to retrieve them.  Mounting your large items on the garage walls will save on both yard and garage clutter and it's also a wise way to protect your items from being stolen.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Have You Prepared Your Garden for Winter? Weekly Home Tip #6

Getting Your Garden Ready For Winter

The beauty and relaxation that your garden can provide you and your family is certainly worth all the work you put in each year.  Putting in a little extra work at the end of the season, however, can make getting your garden ready next spring easier and can help keep your plants healthy through the winter months.  Here are a few great tips that will get your garden ready to handle the cold and snow.

Clean Up: Though not a favorite task of any gardener, it is a very necessary step to getting your garden ready for winter.  Remove your annuals, empty and store any pots and containers, and give your garden one last mow.  Also, raking up all those leaves is one chore all homeowners are familiar with each autumn, but they do make great mulch for your perennials and vegetable garden, and are also a great addition to your compost.

Plant Or Relocate Trees And Shrubs: The fall is the best time to get new trees into the ground, or move those you have earmarked to be relocated.  The best strategy is to choose trees that are hardy for your zone, as it makes their survival more likely and maintenance easier.  Also, choosing evergreens and shrubs that produce berries in the winter months can make your garden more interesting and provide activity for birds and other wildlife.

Protect Your Trees: For new or young trees this is an important step you'll not want to forget in winterizing your garden.  Covering trees and shrubs with burlap is most important in areas that have exposure to northwest winds and high sun.  Be sure, however, not to do this too early in the season, in order to prevent rot.  It is also a good idea to give your evergreens plenty of water to prevent burnout.

Test Soil And Mulch: After the ground freezes be sure to add mulch to your perennial garden.  This will protect both your soil and plants through the long winter months, as well as provide much needed nutrients for spring.  This is also a good time to test the pH of your soil to see if it is lacking any essential minerals for the next growing season.

Plant Spring Bulbs: This is also the time of year to get your spring bulbs into the ground. Be sure that you do this before the first frost, and give them plenty of water when planting them.

Unlike all the work you put into your garden in spring, winter clean-up can seem like a difficult and unrewarding task, but with this effort you will keep your garden in tip-top shape for the growing season ahead!

Remember if you would like a specific topic covered contact me and I will gladly research for you!!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Trick or Treat Safety Tips

Halloween Safety Tips

On October 31 of every year, children around the nation enjoy carving jack-o-lanterns, dressing up in their favorite costumes and going out trick-or-treating for candy and treats.  Although the traditions of Halloween have been longstanding, it is important that both parents and children approach the occasion with a combination of diligence, forethought and safety in mind.

Costume Selection

When children choose a Halloween costume, they think more about the style and character than the actual safety aspect.  It's important that any mask be designed in such a way that does not obstruct the child's view while being worn.  In addition, a costume should be comfortable and not restrict movement or increase the risk of the child stumbling or falling.  Therefore, the costume's length must also be considered.  Bright colors also are recommended so they can be easily seen.  

Chaperone Requirements

In a perfect world, it would be safe for children to go out and enjoy Halloween by trick-or-treating in the nearby area or neighborhood.  However, this is not a perfect world and it's important that an adult accompany children who are outdoors and/or trick-or-treating.  Ideally, there should be one adult for every 2-3 children.  This is especially important in large groups, where it may take more than one adult to supervise multiple children at once.

Must-Have Accessories

Because trick-or-treating typically occurs in the evening hours, it's important to have a working flashlight on hand.  Add fresh batteries to ensure it will last through the night.  Adults should carry their cell phone in case of car trouble or to reach emergency contacts, if needed.

Rules Of The Road

When trick-or-treating, always remain in well-lit areas.  This includes areas with working street lights and homes that have a porch light turned on, which is a sign that the homeowner(s) welcomes trick-or-treaters.  If the house is dark and/or the porch light is off, avoid the home and continue on to the next one.

One of the greatest attractions of Halloween to a child is that of trick-or-treating and the prospect of receiving candy and other treats.  It's important that both parents and children know which types of candy are safe and which are not.  Candy that is unwrapped or is not factory sealed should not be eaten.  Instead, it should be thrown away.  In addition, candy with expiration dates that have passed or anything that's homemade should be discarded.  With this in mind, it is recommended that nothing is eaten until parents and children examine all of the “loot” once everyone gets home.

Observing Local Curfews

Trick-or-treating is typically designated at a certain time for every area.  This means that some towns may allow trick-or-treating on the night before or the night of Halloween.  Additionally, there are specific hours and age limits that must be observed by all who choose to trick-or-treat.  It's important that both children and adults understand the local rules and adhere to them strictly.  If you are concerned about missing the curfew, wear a watch that lights up with the touch of a button.  This will allow you to easily see your watch face in the dark and will ensure that everyone gets home on time.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Weekly Home Tip 5 - Is Your House Ready for Winter??


Roof repairs: If you can safely get onto your roof to inspect for missing shingles or other factors that may lead to a leaky roof, now's the time to do it!  If not, call in a professional organization and have them take care of the rooftop work for you.

Seal it off: Inspect doors and windows to ensure that the weather-stripping is in good condition.  This will keep your house warmer and cozier in the winter months.

Hot stuff: Make sure that your heater and ventilation systems are in good working order!  Clean out accessible ducts and replace filters where necessary.

Chimney sweep: Creosote, a black substance that builds up in the chimney when wood is burned, can cause chimney fires.  Inspect your chimney for creosote and call a chimney sweep to keep your fireplace safe and functional.

Gutter check: Now's the time to clean out those rain gutters again!  If you want to do it yourself, make sure that you can safely access the gutters and then scoop out any debris, blast the drains clean with a high-powered hose, and repair any leaks you may find along the way.

Would you like a specific topic covered?  Contact me and I will do the research for you.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Weekly Home Tip - Is Your Fireplace Safe?

Using Your Fireplace Safely

A fireplace is a great feature in any home, and can create that warm, homey feeling on a cold winter evening that every homeowner dreams of.  Whether you have a gas fireplace or a wood-burning fireplace, there are a few important precautions you should take and safety measures to follow every time you use your fireplace.

Keep The Fire Contained

Especially if you have an older home, you should verify that the fireplace and hearth are up to code.  The hearth is required to be a certain size to prevent sparks or embers from the fire hitting the carpet or wood floors and starting a fire.  You should also ensure that you have appropriate metal doors or a mesh curtain that will keep the fire and any sparks inside the fireplace itself.

Keep anything flammable away from the fireplace, including paper, blankets, furniture, or anything else that could easily catch fire.  If you have a wood-burning fireplace, keep the wood in a spot where a stray spark or ember won't reach it.  The same goes for kindling or anything you use to start the fire.

Maintaining The Fireplace And Chimney

In a wood-burning fireplace, a substance known as creosote can build up on the inside of the chimney, putting you at risk for a dangerous chimney fire.  Every year before the winter season begins, you should have a professional chimney sweep clean out your chimney.  They should also inspect everything to ensure your fireplace is functioning properly.  Be sure to clean out ashes and soot from the fireplace regularly; this is recommended every time you use it.

Even with a gas fireplace there is some maintenance to consider.  You should have a chimney sweep perform a yearly inspection and cleaning of the inside of your fireplace, especially in hard to reach places like the fan.  They should also make certain that the gas lines and ignition switch are working properly.

Fireplaces And Children

If you have children, use caution with your fireplace.  Never leave a child unattended in a room with a lit fireplace.  Be certain that lighters and matches are always kept well out of reach.  Before you start the fire burning season, sit down with your children and discuss the safety rules for the fireplace, making sure they understand the dangers.

Your fireplace can provide warmth and ambience, and will serve you well for a long time as long as you take care of it.  Keep up on maintenance and ensure that everything is safe and up to code before you use your fireplace.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Weekly Home Tip #3

Solar Lighting For Your Yard

One of the simplest, most economical and also eco-friendly ways to provide lighting in your yard is to use solar lights.  There are a wide variety of solar lighting options on the market that can help you to create the right ambience for an evening on the porch, light your sidewalk and driveway, or simple illuminate your yard for aesthetic appeal.

Solar lighting is simple to install and uses the energy absorbed from the sun during the day to provide the power for nighttime lighting.  This means you can light your yard without affecting your energy bills.  There are a few different options you can use to create the lighting effect you are seeking in your yard.

Lighting Your Yard And Patio

The most commonly used solar yard lights are the classic stake lights.  They can be placed at the interval of your choice, and are great for lining flower beds, placing around the patio, or illuminating the path up to your house.  These versatile lights are perfect for just about any situation.  They give a very classic look that works in both the front and back yard and will fit in with most landscaping or architecture.

To add mood lighting to your patio, solar powered Tiki torches are a great choice.  Unlike traditional torches, there is no risk of fire and no messy oil.  Many even flicker just like a candle to create the same ambience that you would expect from traditional Tiki torches.

Lighting Your Driveway

Another option you might want to consider is driveway solar lights.  These flat lights are designed to light the edges of the driveway to make parking easier at night.  Especially for long or curving driveways, these are a great way to illuminate the way at night.  There are two main types of driveway lights; the first type sits on top of the surface, while the second type is actually embedded in the driveway surface, leaving it level.  Either type illuminates very well, but the second type will not be damaged if you accidentally drive over it, so if that is a risk you might consider the embedded type of driveway lights.

Solar lights give your home a warm glow at night and require virtually no maintenance.  Install them, let the sun do the work, and then enjoy them when the sun goes down!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Weekly Home Tip 2

Tips On Saving Energy & Money At Home

When you save on energy, you also save money.  As a homeowner, there are a number of ways that you can do both and still have the energy to enjoy your everyday life.

The Buzz On Bulbs

One of the most obvious ways to save energy in your home is to turn off the television when nobody is watching or when the room is empty.  Additionally, avoid leaving lights on that aren't necessary.  Speaking of lights, your choice of light bulbs may also have an impact on your energy bill as certain types require more electricity than others resulting in higher energy costs.

Keep It Cool

During the warm spring and summer months, it's best to keep all appliances that give off a lot of heat away from the thermostat.  Otherwise, your home may appear hotter than it actually is and the air conditioner will then be made to work harder.  This, in turn, equals more energy being used and more money being spent on energy costs.

Speaking of heat, it's a good idea to avoid excessive use of the oven when it's hot outside.  During the warm weather months, the oven can quickly cause your home's interior to heat up.  This means the air conditioner will once again be working harder to cool your home's interior, which increases your energy consumption.  One popular alternative is to use the microwave.

Shop Smart

Whether you have outdated appliances or are simply looking to furnish a new home, it's a good idea to keep energy efficiency in mind while shopping for new models.  Although energy-efficient appliances may be more expensive, they can save you money in the long run by cutting your energy costs every month.

Heating & Cooling

If you want to save a substantial amount of money, take a close look at your heating and cooling costs, which often make up over 50 percent of a family's energy bill.  When it comes to heating or cooling, make sure that the thermostat is adjusted at night and when the home is empty.  Otherwise, you are simply wasting energy.  Make sure that filters for both heating and cooling units are replaced regularly.

Sun Sense

In the summer, leave your curtains and/or blinds closed in order to minimize the sun's heat from entering your home as this could cause your air conditioner to work harder.  After all, your air conditioner is designed to cool your home and the sun's heat only makes the temperature rise.  In the winter, however, open your curtains in order to get the most out of the sun's warm rays. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Weekly Home Tip!!!!

Home Safety Tips

Your home is your haven and, as such, it should be a place where you feel safe.  If you want to protect yourself and your family, home safety should be a priority in your life.  Here are some ideas on how to deal with some of the most common concerns facing homeowners today.

Do Some Detective Work On Your Detectors

Make sure that your smoke detectors are working and have fresh batteries.  It's important to clean them regularly to avoid a buildup of dust and dirt, which may cause them to malfunction or stop working altogether. 

Make Sure That Your Security System Is Secure

If your home has a security system, make sure that nobody else has the code.  If you purchased your home with the security system in place, have the code changed as a precaution.  Just as you would change the locks to prevent friends, acquaintances or family members of the previous owner from entering the house without your permission or knowledge, it's equally important to change the code on your security system. 

Obstacles & Falls

Many people die or get injured each year as a result of a fall in their home.  Make sure that the way you arrange your furniture and possessions makes it easy for you to move around your home.  Be especially careful about where you put low items that you may trip over.

Trailing electric and phone wires can also be hazardous-try to connect appliances to a socket nearby.  If trailing wires are unavoidable, arrange them as far out of the way as possible and tape them down with strong electrical tape or something similar.

Keep staircases and passageways clear, and never place a loose rug at the top of the stairs.

Try to organize your storage so that you can reach items you use regularly without having to climb.  Don't be tempted to balance on chairs or boxes if you do need to reach something high-use a proper step ladder with non-slip steps, or wait until someone else can help.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Weekly Home Tip!!

Ways To Make Your House Smell Good

If you want a house to smell clean, you clean it.  But what can you do to add a special touch that makes your house smell one step beyond clean?  Use some common “scents,” a little knowhow and a lot of creativity to make your house smell fantastic.

Use Your Good Scents

Many homeowners choose to use scented candles in their home.  As the candle burns, the oils melt and create a wonderful smell throughout the entire room.  Not only do these smell great, but certain scents can also be relaxing.  Lavender, for instance, is commonly used in aromatherapy and is believed to be a calming scent.  Vanilla, strawberry, cinnamon and even chocolate are also popular among homeowners who want to add a special touch to their home.

Good Enough To Eat

If you really want to make your home smell terrific, add a bowl of fresh fruit to the dining room table.  Oranges, tangerines and apples will provide a colorful centerpiece and a scent that's simply yummy.

If you like to bake, there's nothing better than the smell of freshly baked cookies fresh out of the oven.  Of course, if you don't feel up to baking every day, you can always use a chocolate scented candle instead.

Make Your Home Blossom

If you really want to add a terrific aroma to your home, place a vase of fresh cut flowers in your living/family room.  A perfectly designed arrangement will act as a wonderful centerpiece, but will also fill the room with a wonderful smell.  Roses are terrific for adding an unmistakable scent to any room, but many other flowers will prove to be just as nice.

Everyone “Nose” Potpourri

A potpourri mixture, which contains dried petals and spices, is typically placed in a bowl and used to add a wonderful scent to any room.  A variety of mixtures are commonly found in any retailer's craft section or anywhere that scented candles are sold.  Potpourri is low maintenance in that it requires nothing more than being placed in a bowl and situated in the room of your choice.

Freshening Up The Air

These days, air fresheners are everywhere.  Why?  Quite simply, because they work.  Individuals who suffer from allergies may have a difficult time with some scents and/or brands of air fresheners, so be sure to keep this in mind when shopping.  Air fresheners are available in a wide variety of scents and are generally inexpensive, which makes them a nice choice for many homeowners.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Tyler Rufenacht | Greater Madison Realty, LLC, dba RE/MAX Preferred | (608) 370-3506

4601 Bautista Dr, Mc Farland, WI

4BR/3.0BA Single Family
offered at $289,900
Year Built2012
Sq Footage2,057
Lot SizeUnspecified


Immaculate one year old 4 Bedroom 2.5 bath home in Secret Places Subdivision in Mcfarland. Move right in and enjoy your home that backs up to a green-way and is located on a corner lot. The first floor features a large kitchen with stainless appliances, open concept kitchen/living/dining area, powder room, laundry/mudroom, and separate office with french doors. Featured on the second floor is a Master Suite with walk in closet and three other bedrooms.
see additional photos below

property features

  • - Cable-ready
  • - Wired

additional photos

Contact info:

 Tyler Rufenacht
Tyler Rufenacht
Greater Madison Realty, LLC, dba RE/MAX Preferred
(608) 370-3506
Posted: August 01, 2013

Friday, July 12, 2013

Housing Market Statistics

The market has been heating up even more than in early spring.  Check out this article from Realtor.com for more statistics on the market.


Call me if you would like a no strings attached evaluation of what your home is worth today!!!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

What Repairs to Make Before Selling Your Home

One of the most common questions asked before someone decides to list their home is "what repairs should I make to maximize my profits".  Should you finally finish the "Honey Do List" you have been putting off, or should you make more extensive repairs?

While major repairs or projects may bring you a good return on your investment in certain market conditions.  It can be difficult to know what major projects to complete.  Have a Realtor help you make this decision by showing you how similar homes to yours are selling with repairs vs similar homes without repairs.

If you don't want to tackle the larger projects there are many small items that can be fixed that will have a huge impact on the potential buyers that come to take a look at your home.  Here is an article from MSN Real Estate that explains 10 items that should always be addressed before you sell.


Monday, June 24, 2013

Mortgage Rate Update

According to Realtor.com current mortgage rates have dipped slightly in the last week to just below 4%.  Mortgages rates have started to rise in the last few months.  If you have been thinking of selling your home and buying a new one, or if you are looking to purchase a new home NOW is a great time to take advantage of the current rates.

Contact me today if you would like to sell your current home or if you are looking to purchase a new home.

Link to the full article from Realtor.com

Monday, June 17, 2013


Wisconsin Home Sales Report from the Wisconsin Realtors Association

Date: June 17, 2013

MADISON, Wis. – Strong home sales in Wisconsin for May helped boost prices up, according to the most recent statistical report released by the Wisconsin REALTORS® Association (WRA). The sale of existing homes in May increased 18.2 percent over last May, now the 23rd straight month of positive sales growth in Wisconsin, which helped push the median price up 4.3 percent to a statewide median of $144,000.

“These are very positive signals and represent an uptick from the pace of sales established in the first four months of the year,” said Renny Diedrich, Chairman of the WRA board of directors. Existing home sales rose 10.3 percent from January through April this year compared to that same four-month period in 2012. “There’s no doubt consumer demand has been strong over the last couple of years, but now we’re also seeing sellers jump back in the market as well,” said Diedrich, noting new listings of homes for sale jumped 16.4 percent in May, compared to last year. “This increased supply should help moderate price increases that can occur during periods of very strong demand,” she said.

Wisconsin home sales grew in every region of the state in May with the strongest spike in sales seen in the South Central region where sales increased 28.9 percent compared to May 2012. Existing home sales were up 20.3 percent in the North region, and they rose 18.9 percent in the West region of the state. Both of these regions have significant second home markets, which can be more volatile than the primary home market. Finally, home sales rose 15.7 percent in the Central region, increased 15.0 percent in the Southeast, and grew 11.8 percent in the Northeast over the May 2012 to May 2013 period.

The median price for homes in May was $144,000, an increase of 4.3 percent. “Prices showed solid but sustainable growth,” said Michael Theo, WRA President and CEO. “We saw some large increases in median prices in March and April, so it’s good to see more modest increases in May,” he said. Median prices rose in five of the six regions statewide, with the increase strongest in the South Central region, up 7.2 percent, followed by the Northeast region where prices were up 6.3 percent. Median price increased in the West, Central and Southeast regions between 4.4 percent and 5.3 percent over the period between May 2012 and May 2013. Only the North region experienced a fall in median prices over the period, down 13 percent. “It’s not uncommon to see prices in the northern part of the state fluctuate substantially when there is a shift in the mix of properties between primary and second homes,” said Theo.

Although continuing to slip, housing affordability remained solid in the state due in large part to low interest rates. The Wisconsin Housing Affordability Index shows the percentage of the median-priced home that a buyer earning the median family income can afford to buy, given current mortgage rates and a 20 percent down payment. The index was at 239 in May, which is down from its peak of 292 in January of this year.

Despite a relatively weak job market, the Conference Board’s Consumer Confidence Index has increased in each of the last two months, with the most recent release indicating that consumers are more optimistic about the future conditions of the economy and future job prospects. “We expect the combination of improving consumer confidence and low mortgage rates to keep demand strong throughout the summer, and this will put upward pressure on prices,” said Theo. “Potential buyers may have missed the bottom of the price cycle, but there continues to be excellent value in this market,” Theo said. “While both mortgage rates and home prices rising, Wisconsin housing continues to be very affordable, and an experienced REALTOR® is still the best way for buyers to identify the best deals,” he said.


Monday, June 10, 2013

What’s Hot in Home Design for 2013

Click Link for Article - What's Hot in Home Design for 2013

Its always interesting to see the changes in home construction and remodeling and what is popular.  This article explains some of the design trends that are currently being installed in homes.  One of the really interesting topics is the integration of technology in the home.  I have watched this take place throughout my career and it has been fascinating to watch it change.  The article covers the use of our smart phones to run the systems in your home while you are there as well as when you are away from your home.  It will be amazing to see how technology changes how we live in our homes in the future.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Video: Why you should use a REMAX Agent

Click Link to View Video: Why you should use a REMAX Agent

Comic video on what you can avoid by choosing a full time RE/MAX agent to help you with buying or selling your home.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Memorial Day Landscaping Ideas

As the extended Memorial Day Weekend arrives many families will be working on the outside of their house, including me!  I needed some inspiration to get outside and spruce up the front of my own home and thought I could pass along one of the great websites I found.

I came across the following HGTV Website with tips and tricks to creating great curb appeal (http://www.frontdoor.com/curb-appeal).  The website has great landscaping ideas, articles, as well as before and after pictures of completed projects.  If you are also joining the landscape do it yourself club this weekend I hope this helps.

Enjoy your Weekend

Monday, May 20, 2013

Wisconsin Home Sales Prices Rise Again in April

Wisconsin Home Sales

Below is and article from the Wisconsin Realtors Association regarding information about the Wisconsin housing market sales and price trends. Housing sales and average prices are rising for the 22nd month straight.

If you have been holding off on selling your home or purchasing a new home due to the slowdown in the housing market over the last few years, now may be a great time to reconsider.  Contact me if you would like any assistance with buying or selling your home.

Hear is the article from the WRA and a link to the article on their website.

Date: May 20, 2013

MADISON, Wis. — Wisconsin existing home sales jumped 9.2 percent in April 2013 compared to April 2012, representing 22 straight months of positive sales growth in the state. Median prices climbed by a solid margin, growing 7.8 percent over the past year to $138,000, according to the most recent statistical report released by the Wisconsin REALTORS® Association (WRA). 

“This is a solid but sustainable pace of sales,” said Renny Diedrich, chairman of the WRA board of directors. This continues the modest growth established in the first quarter of the year nationally in which sales were up 9.8 percent, as well as for Wisconsin, where revised figures show that sales rose 11.7 percent compared to first quarter of 2012. “It looks like the first quarter trends are continuing into the prime selling period of the year, which is very encouraging,” Diedrich said, noting that in a typical year, about 60 percent of Wisconsin home sales take place between April and September. 

Five of the state’s six regions experienced positive growth in sales, with two regions up in the neighborhood of 20 percent. Specifically, the West region saw its sales grow 20.9 percent in April 2013 compared to that same month in 2012, and sales were up 18.5 percent in the South Central region over that period. The Northeast region grew at 8.6 percent, the North was up 5.3 percent, and the Southeast increased 4.5 percent comparing April 2013 relative to April 2012. Only the Central region saw its sales decline, with a modest reduction of 2.2 percent.

Median prices increased 7.8 percent in April compared to April 2012, after rising 9.3 percent in March, again compared to the same month in 2012. “We’re seeing strong upward price pressure statewide and across all regions,” said Michael Theo, WRA President and CEO, who pointed to a number of factors on both the demand and supply sides of the market. “On the supply side, unsold inventory has fallen by more than 9,000 homes over the last year, and on the demand side, very favorable mortgage rates have gotten some buyers off the fence and into the market over the last few months,” said Theo. He also suspects that the tight inventory of entry-level homes is helping to fuel the upper end of the market. “We’ve been hearing from REALTORS® that trade-up buyers are having very little problem selling their existing homes, which helps explain why higher-end homes are moving more quickly than they have in the past,” he said. 

Despite increasing prices, housing in the state remains very affordable. The Wisconsin Housing Affordability Index shows the percentage of the median-priced home that a buyer earning the median family income can afford to buy, given the available 30-year fixed-mortgage rate and down payment of 20 percent. The index stood at 255 in April, which is similar to its level of 258 in April 2012. By comparison, the U.S. Housing Affordability Index reported by the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) was at 197 in the first quarter of 2013, and NAR predicts that the national index will fall to 114 by the end of 2014. “We’re still quite a bit more affordable than the national level, but affordability will slip if prices and mortgage rates rise” said Theo. “This is the time to enlist the help of an experienced REALTOR® to get the most value out of a market that is clearly heating up,” he said.

About the WRA
The Wisconsin REALTORS® Association is one of the largest trade associations in the state, representing over 11,900 real estate brokers, sales people and affiliates statewide. Sales estimates for the state are provided by the National Association of REALTORS®, which seasonally adjusts quarterly sales figures. All county figures on sales volume and median prices are compiled by the Wisconsin REALTORS® Association and are not seasonally adjusted. Median prices are only computed if the county recorded at least 10 home sales in the quarter. All data collected by Wisconsin REALTORS® Association are subject to revision if more complete data become available. Beginning in 2010, all historical sales volume and median price data at the county level have been re-benchmarked using the Techmark system which accesses MLS data directly and in real time.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Great article in the State Journal about Dane County Home Sales stats.

I wanted to pass along this link to a great article in the Wisconsin State Journal about home sales statistics in Dane County.  Home Sales in Dane County are up 31% in April over last April.

If you have been delaying selling your home it may be time to reconsider, and see what your home could be worth.


Thursday, May 16, 2013

Great article about optimizing your Linkedin page.

In researching better ways to use Linkedin to search for businesses to use that either friends work at, or that friends could recommend I came across this article about optimizing your own Linkedin page to show up in more searches.

I thought this was a great article and that it may be useful to others.  Check it out if you have the time.
